
Showing posts from March, 2018

Applying Marxism: blog task

1) What does Marxism suggest regarding power in society? Marxists view capitalist society as being one of class domination; the media are seen to promote hegemonic ideology and ensure the dominance of certain classes; ultimate control is increasingly concentrated in wealthy corporations/media conglomerates; media professionals, while enjoying the illusion of autonomy, are socialised into and internalise the norms of the dominant culture. 2) Why is  The Apprentice  a good example of the media reinforcing capitalist values and ideologies? The apprentice is a good example of the media reinforcing capitalist values and ideologies because these qualities are the ones that are rewarded by success within  the show and can be seen to be part of the construction of a false  consciousness regarding the personality types of people who are  valued within the capitalist system. The creative, individual or  introvert are not seen as ‘acceptable’ neither are those who challenge  authority or who wo