Film Poster Analysis
Because of the main character is on the top of the poster above all the city, I think he is the hero of the film and a saviour for the world that people will need to look up to for help. So it will be a action type storyline. The film genres are sci-fi because of the futuristic building, the flying ship and the font at the front of the poster for blade runner. The font has a futuristic look. Also because of the character smoking the cigarette the film has a noir theme to it which is shown by the colour as well. This film is aimed at middle-aged men 30+ because of the older feel to the sci-fi and because the rated R is at the bottom right of the texts. # From the characters faceuail expressions you can tell that is a horror but not one to be taken seriously. This is because of the way some are actually smiling. Also in the text it says more shameless which shows they know it is not scary and is a ...