LR for camera work

1) Make sure your video is on YouTube and embedded on your blog. 

2) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher.

4) Type up your feedback from fellow students.

4) Now reflect on your work and write your own comments. Add three WWWs and three EBIs underneath the rest of your feedback.

5) Learner response: think about what you learned making the video and also watching others. What will you do differently when you start the coursework later in the year? What tips or tricks have you learned from others that you can use next time? Are there any specific aspects of camerawork that you need to revise or practice?

For the video:
Some great camera work in places-the shoe close up are excellent . I really like the the narrative element.The pan was not too smooth. Some of the labbing was incorrect like the leaving the house median shot.

WWW: My camera work all in all was good
LR: Just go over where i go wrong on the camera shots like when i mislabeled a shot.


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